The point of collecting the cards is to build a powerful deck of 60 that will help you win battles against other trainers. As they learn to read, they may also want to play the trading card game. Younger kids (say, JK to grade one) tend to just collect and trade the cards. What are you supposed to do with Pokémon cards? The trainer’s goal is to “catch them all” and, by all, we mean all 800+ of them. The Pokémon themselves are creatures that live in the wild or with their owner (as in your kid), referred to as their trainer. Short for “pocket monsters,” Pokémon exists as a TV show, a trading card game, video games and toys. Pokémon is a Japanese franchise that has been around for more than 20 years (2021 will mark its 25th anniversary!).

What is Pokémon? What’s a booster pack? What’s a trainer? And who is this Pikachu fellow he’s always mentioning? Your kid will probably always be one step ahead of you in his Pokémon knowledge, but this guide is a good start. So your kid has traded in his toy trains and cars for Pokémon cards but you don’t know what he’s talking about half the time.